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The Tameside WordShop is open for business!

I'm delighted to announce that my application to Arts Council England has been successful, and from summer 2021, Tameside residents will enjoy monthly creative writing workshops with a whole host of different established writers – for a full year.

Mossley Writers has grown considerably since its inception in 2016, both in numbers and skill. I feared that, left to our own writerly devices, we might stagnate, or at least fail to develop our individual and collective potential. If only there was some way we could have regular access to excellent and varied writer-tutors...

I also noticed how popular workshops hosted by Tameside Libraries were. There was certainly the will, the imagination and the desire in Tameside, just not the capacity.

With encouragement from Tameside Libraries, the Greater Manchester Artist Hub, Con Brio, Global Grooves and the Tameside Creative Wellbeing Network, not to mention my fellow Mossley Writers, I put together an idea for a year of writing development in the borough, with free, monthly writing workshops culminating in a sharing event in early summer 2022 – and The Tameside WordShop was born.

While dates with tutors are being finalised, I am urging interested participants to check out the brand new website for more information and to register for updates by sending their name, phone number and Tameside postcode to

A huge thanks to Arts Council England, and for all the individuals and organisations that have supported this project from the start. Here's to a full year of writing in Tameside!



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